Laser Liposuction in Profile Research suggests laser technique adds skin tightening benefits So you want less fat and a tighter tummy. Do you have to have a surgical tummy tuck to get the results you want? Not necessarily according to preliminary research conducted by a team of researchers who recently presented their results at the

In the Body Treatment  Zone with Exilis Less equals more with this monopolar radiofrequency device When it comes to fat removal, it’s hard to argue with the dramatic results of liposuction. Today, however, we live in a non-surgical world, and cosmetic treatments that offer body contouring benefits with limited downtime plus comfort are a priority,

Vaser – Ultrasonic Liposuction Vaser liposuction, also called LipoSelection, is another alternate technology to traditional liposuction. Vaser ultrasonic liposuction is still a process by which fatty deposits are removed from beneath the skin to improve the aesthetics of a particular body part. Optimally, patients who are treated by Vaser liposuction are in good physical condition

Power Assisted Technique (PAL) Introduction Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) devices have recently become available. PAL devices use power supplied by an electric motor or compressed air to produce either a rapid in-and-out movement or a spinning rotation of an attached liposuction cannula. Advocates of PAL assert that it makes liposuction easier for the surgeon. Clinical

Laser Liposuction, Laser Lipolysis or Liposculpture Laser liposuction was developed as an alternative to the manual method used in tumescent and traditional liposuction. It was also developed to help cosmetic surgeons target specific body parts that were difficult to access with the more traditional methods, but are perfectly suited to laser body sculpting. Laser liposuction,

LipoLite – Laser Liposuction LipoLite is a laser liposuction technology available to patients who are in good health and who are not using liposuction as a measure for weight loss. LipoLite laser has been used very successfully in body sculpting and contouring – and like other laser liposuction techniques is particularly good with small areas

CoolLipo – Laser Liposuction CoolLipo, like other laser lipo systems is a technology that uses laser wavelengths to dissolve fat and firm the skin. Cool Lipo candidates are in good health and are not planning to use liposuction as a weight loss technique, but rather for body contouring and sculpturing. CoolLipo by CoolTouch, Inc. is

Abdomen The abdomen is the most common area of the body to be treated by liposuction among both men and women. Important factors that affect the success of abdominal liposuction include: the amount and location of abdominal fat, history of weight gain and weight loss, history of pregnancy, and the age and the sex of

Anterior Thighs On the anterior thighs, optimally smooth results are more important than maximal volume reduction. Excessive liposuction of the anterior thighs can easily produce ugly irregularities of the skin. Removing more than 60 % of the subcutaneous fat of the anterior thigh is associated with a relatively high incidence of patient dissatisfaction. Dangers of

Breasts, Male The goal for liposuction of the male breast is simple: Improve the patient’s physical appearance by removing as much fat as possible while avoiding any damage to skin or muscles. Liposuction of the male breast is one of the four areas on men most commonly treated by liposuction. The other areas are the