Liposuction Can Help You Achieve That Summer Body

Lipo numbers up


It’s summer and it’s time to get your body summer ready for laying by the pool and wearing those more revealing summer outfits. Sure, you have done everything right, from exercising and dieting, and yet, there are still a few “problem areas” that just won’t slim down. There is a great solution to get that sleek, contoured look — liposuction!


Many people equate the term liposuction with a major surgical procedure that entails undergoing general anesthesia and a lengthy recovery period; however, today’s advanced liposuction procedures are now less invasive and do not require general anesthesia.


Dr. Thomas Wright of Laser Lipo and Vein Center says, “Today’s advanced techniques can help you achieve your desired goals through laser-assisted tumescent liposuction.”


What is Laser-Assisted Tumescent Liposuction?


During this minimally invasive procedure, a diluted solution of epinephrine and lidocaine will be injected into the treatment area to temporarily shrink capillaries and reduce bruising and bleeding. A small laser is then moved over the area to further break-up the fat cells and provide some skin tightening affect. The fat is then removed via small cannulas and gentle suction.


Are the Results Permanent?


The fat that is removed will not return, unless you undergo a significant weight gain. While you may not see a significant weight loss through this procedure, you will see a smoother, sleeker appearance in specific areas. The best way to maintain the results is through a proper, healthy diet and a regular exercise regime. In fact, through continued diet and exercise, your results can even continue to improve!


Who is a Candidate for These Procedures?


If you are troubled by localized fat deposits, you are a good candidate. The best candidates are those in good health with realistic expectations. You should remember that this liposuction procedure is not designed for those who wish to lose large amounts of weight.


If you are interested in getting a better figure for the summer, give us a call at Laser Lipo and Vein Center. You will meet with Dr. Wright during your complimentary consultation to discuss your options including the tumescent liposuction procedure explained here. You will soon be on your way to enjoying your new, sleeker summer look!