One of the best aspects of liposuction and cosmetic surgery, in general, is the improved self esteem that is afforded to patients. Whether you are getting liposuction to help with an overall issue, or you are using it to treat a problem location, it’s amazing how many patients are suddenly set free from self consciousness and anxiety once they have the procedure. This is especially true if the patient being treated has come through a significant weight loss.
Patients who have gone through the arduous process of a large scale weight loss may find that their body does not look exactly as they envisioned it when they have hit their goal weight. Television shows like the Biggest Loser show the dramatic reveal at the end of months of hard work, and the contestants look amazing, but what you may not see is instances of loose skin that has lost its elasticity. Often in the arms, chest, stomach area and thighs, a person who has lost significant weight, will find that they have some skin that is stretched out, sagging or drooping and refuses to bounce back.
In some instances, liposuction can be the answer to this issue. Using liposuction to remove stubborn deposits of fat can actually facilitate the tightening of skin in some of these problem areas. Fatty deposits can persist, even if a person is eating a healthy diet and exercising often. By removing those deposits, the skin can heal and bounce back.
Some patients may need more advanced procedures to attain the body sculpting they are looking for. In some cases, a surgery like an abdominoplasty may be required to remove excess skin. In some cases, a patient may actually need both liposuction and a more advanced surgery, but thankfully, because of the advances in liposuction technology, all they may need is liposuction.
The most important thing you can do, if you have successfully completed a significant weight loss, is to speak with several reputable cosmetic surgeons about your options. They should set realistic expectations and go over all of the possible procedures that could help you achieve the results you want. You should make sure they understand your unique circumstances and you should be aware that once the weight is lost and the surgery is complete, you’ll need to have a plan to keep the weight off. In some instances, regaining the weight, post surgery can cause skin damage and even scarring.
So if you have lost a lot of weight and you’re thinking about body contouring cosmetic surgery procedures, make sure you find a reputable liposuction doctor or board certified cosmetic surgeon. After all of your hard work, you deserve the results you want.