Do you suffer from Lipedema? Do you wish there were a way to even-out the fat distribution in your body, and feel better once and for all? Do you believe that because this is a genetic medical condition, there’s no real way to look and feel better – without surgery?
Today’s medical marvels allow numerous patients with Lipedema to be treated, without going under the knife, and without many downsides of general surgery, such as excessive scarring, long downtimes, and complications associated with surgery.
Let’s first explore what Lipedema is.
Long considered to be obesity, Lipedema is the result of our DNA, and is often seen in individuals who have relatives with the condition. It causes disproportionate fat distribution on the lower half of the body in most cases, but it can also be seen in the arms, legs and wrists.
There are several medical terms to describe Lipedema, but in everyday lingo, people may call it the two body syndrome or the swollen fat syndrome.
Besides the symptoms of looking visibly heavy, patients also experience a range of discomforts including pain and swelling. Some other indications seen by patients besides the enlargement of the arms and legs include bruising and a tender feel – to the touch.
This sensitivity can result in debilitating pain for patients. As someone who suffers from Lipedema, you may also notice broken capillaries under the skin.
When do most patients start seeing the signs and symptoms of Lipedema, you may ask?
Studies depict that hormonal changes play a major role in the progression of Lipedema, and as a result, most patients may start seeing enlargement around puberty, or during pregnancy or menopause. Moreover, women are more prone to the disease, compared to men.
Some of the top remedies for Lipedema include compression therapy, exercise, and manual massages, which all aim to drain the tissues and improve the balance of fat distribution. These are all nonsurgical options, but they only work to a certain extent. They only remove about ten percent of fat, and patients may still be left with low self-confidence as a result of their appearance.
For an even better solution, patients are turning to liposuction, which is minimally invasive. The beauty with liposuction is that substantial and targeted fat can be removed permanently, with little downtime and minimal risks. Speak to a doctor to learn more about this option.