How Diet Affects Smartlipo Results

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Smartlipo procedures can be the perfect solution for easily dissolving unwanted fat pockets on an otherwise healthy body without having to undergo extensive and invasive surgery. Even though Smartlipo procedures are usually very successful and leave the patient feeling more self-confident and secure in their newly contoured physique, that doesn’t mean a person who has received such is free to adapt or continue a less than healthy lifestyle without experiencing repercussions.


While Smarlipo is an excellent tool for getting rid of isolated, stubborn excess fat and in creating a smoother, more contoured body, a permanent removal of fat cells in one area of the body does not guarantee that fluctuating weight and overall weight gain won’t affect the results of the Smartlipo surgery. Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle after your procedure will keep your body fit and help to ensure that your Smartlipo results are maintained.


Patients who have already lost weight and maintained their weight loss for a substantial amount of time or patients who are already in fairly good shape and don’t experience dramatic ups and downs in their weight are usually the best candidates for a Smartlipo procedure. These types of patients are less likely to yo-yo in weight and see the scales jump back up when their former habits are taken back up causing Smartlipo results to become less noticeable.


Resuming or adopting a sedentary lifestyle after undergoing Smartlipo may quickly negate all the positive benefits achieved from undergoing this modern procedure and a consistently poor diet can do the same. Though patients may not experience new fat accumulation in the areas where the Smartlipo was specifically performed, the surrounding areas are prone to fat accumulation which will undo the beautiful new contour of the body.


Thankfully, saving up for and undergoing Smartlipo can act as a great motivation for patients who have had the procedure done and may help to boost their efforts toward a healthier, more active lifestyle.


If you’re worried about whether or not you’re a good candidate for the Smartlipo procedure or if you’ll be able to successfully maintain the positive results of Smartlipo post procedure, talk to your doctor about your questions and concerns before undergoing the Smartlipo process.


Smartlipo has helped to improve the image of thousands of patients and could be the perfect solution to your unwanted fat struggle. Contact Dr. Hall and his staff at Phoenix Liposuction for more information and for an initial consultation.