From Fat to Wrinkles: Hot News From a Cold Treatment

Could the fat-freezing power in cryolipolysis be used to refresh your face? There are whispers in the beauty industry that the cold technology behind this popular body contouring treatment could be moving into the world of wrinkle treatment options later this year. That’s according to a prediction made by Skin Inc. magazine, a  professional skin care industry publication.

More than likely you’re familiar with the concept of using the power of freezing temperatures to treat a variety of medical conditions, whether it’s liquid nitrogen to remove warts or CoolSculpting to reduce fat. Cryo (cold) therapy (cure) is used pervasively in medicine as a fix for all kinds of ailments. By selectively targeting trouble spots—face or body, on or below the skin’s surface—dropping tissue temps decreases cellular metabolism to prevent normal cell growth and reproduction and, when desired, to kill unwanted fat cells or abnormal cells that cause skin conditions, including pre-cancerous skin lesions. Of course “cold cure” is probably best known in the form of ice pack therapy, which is frequently used to reduce pain from injury while restricting blood flow to prevent bruising.

Here’s what treatment look like when it comes to reducing fat and wrinkles:

Fat Freeze

If you know anything about the possibilities of freezing your fat away, you’ve heard of cryolipolysis or CoolSculpting (Zeltiq), the innovative technology that is used as a liposuction alternative to reduce pockets of unwanted body fat with no downtime and no scarring. This technology uses a cooling approach that selectively targets fat in bulges and safely and effectively removes it from these trouble spots without harming the surrounding skin and tissues. CoolSculpting works by physically isolating the treatment area and vacuuming / suctioning the area while delivering its cold technology to get rid of those unwanted fat cells. Treatment per area takes about an hour and you can expect to lose 25% of the targeted fat within 3 to 6 months.

Wrinkle Control

When it comes to wrinkles, a new technology has been in the works for some time now and is expected to progress to market in the near future. What will be positioned as a Botox-alternative, cryoneuromodulation uses needles to deliver cold temperatures to the facial nerves that, in turn, soften wrinkles. The interesting thing with this technology is that there’s no wait time for results. They are immediate. To date, results have been shown in clinical trials to last 30 days or more.

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