Inner Thighs The inner thigh area is a common area of concern among women who seek liposuction. Inner thigh liposuction can significantly improve the silhouette of the thigh and reduce the rubbing together of the inner thighs. Ideally, there should be no significant lumpiness or irregularity of shape, and no visible evidence of a surgical

Legs and Ankles Leg Fat is Different The distribution and proportion of localized fat on female legs and ankles is genetically predetermined. Women who have a disproportionate and displeasing distribution of fat on their legs often find that this fat is resistant to diet and exercise. Leg Fat is Superficial The fat on the legs

Outer Thighs Fat on female thighs and hips is largely determined by inherited genetics, and it is often resistant to exercise and dieting. For some women, the lack of visible improvement in the shape or size despite vigorous exercise can be a nightmare. Fat thighs tend to convey an image of maturity, an inactive life

Common and Minor Complications   Minor Complications A surgical complication is defined as any undesirable result of surgery. Minor complication has little risk that the patient will die. The causes for minor complications include unpredictable factors such as a patient's wound healing ability, misjudgment by the surgeon, patients' failure to follow instructions, or just bad

  Liposuction Information Liposuction Defined Liposuction is defined as the removal of fat from deposits beneath the skin using a hollow stainless steel tube (called a cannula) with the assistance of a powerful vacuum. Liposuction can be accomplished either with the use of general anesthesia, or with heavy IV sedation, or totally by local anesthesia.

  Standards of Safety Two Standards: Their Basic Difference The tumescent technique for liposuction has evolved into two distinct but similar procedures, with two distinct standards of safety. The basic difference between these two standards is “the amount of liposuction that is considered to be safe”. The term “amount of liposuction” refers to both the

Drugs That Increase Bleeding   The following list of drugs includes many, but not all, drugs that can impair normal clotting mechanisms. For example Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, bind to blood platelets and impair platelet during blood coagulation. Red wine and vitamin E also impair clotting. Coumadin (warfarin), which impairs

Pharmacology   This page is concerned with clinical pharmacology of the tumescent technique for local anesthesia using large volumes of very dilute lidocaine (local anesthetic) and epinephrine (vasoconstrictor that shrinks capillaries). The word tumescent means swollen and firm. With the tumescent technique such a large volume of dilute lidocaine is injected into the targeted fatty

Lidocaine Toxicity Lidocaine Toxicity with Tumescent Liposuction  A Case Report of Probable Drug Interactions JEFFREY A. KLEIN, MD NORMA KASSARJDIAN, MD We report a case of mild lidocaine toxicity. A reduced rate of lidocaine metabolism following tumescent liposuction may result from an inhibition of cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) by sertraline (Zoloft) and flurazepam (Dalmane).  

Drug Interactions with Lidocaine   The following is a (partial) list of drug that are known to interact with lidocaine and to increase the risk of an adverse reaction. Most of these drugs interfere with lidocaine metabolism by inhibiting the liver enzyme Cytochrome-P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) and thereby slowing the rate at which lidocaine is eliminated