What is Liposuction? The concept of liposuction is surprisingly simple. Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body’s contour by removing excess fat from deposits located between the skin and muscle. Liposuction involves the use of a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula (from the Latin word for reed, tube, cane). The cannula

Liposuction FAQS Answers to common questions about Liposuction: What is Liposuction? The concept of liposuction is surprisingly simple. Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body’s contour by removing excess fat deposits located between the skin and muscle What is Tumescent Liposuction? Tumescent liposuction designates a form of liposuction that uses tumescent local anesthesia.

FAQ: Body Areas   1. Women most commonly have which areas treated by liposuction? The most frequently treated areas for women are the abdomen, breasts, hips, outer thighs, anterior thighs, inner thighs, knees, arms, buttocks, cheeks and neck. Female Abdomen Procedure Info Photo Gallery Female Breast Reduction Procedure Info Photo Gallery Chin, Cheeks, & Jowls

FAQ: Complications and Risks   1. What Factors Increase the Risks of Liposuction Complications? The most dangerous aspect of liposuction is an attitude that ignores the risk of doing too much liposuction on a single day, or disregards the risks of doing multiple unrelated surgical procedures on the same day that liposuction surgery is performed.

FAQ: Am I A Good Candidate           1. Who is a Good Candidate for Liposuction? A good candidate for liposuction is defined as any person who has realistic expectations, is in good health and is likely to be happy with the results of liposuction. Although liposuction can often provide very substantial

Lidocaine Doses The present recommendation for maximum doses of tumescent lidocaine in healthy, young female patients is as follows:   40 mg/kg for thin patients 45 mg/kg for average patients 50 mg/kg for overweight patients Males, whose percentage of body fat is usually 10 to 20 % less than females, have a smaller volume of

i-lipo – Body Contouring and Laser Lipolysis System i-Lipo™ is a new revolutionary system that uses low level lasers for smoothing cellulite, fat reduction, and body shaping treatments. The i-lipo uses photobiomodulation to stimulate the body’s natural process for releasing stored content in the adipose cells. Every day, the human body is storing excess calories

Good and Bad Plastic Surgery – How to Get Great Liposuction Results In a recent LA Times article, some excellent guidelines were offered to help patients to get a better result from cosmetic surgery. With so many celebrities in the spotlight, the media is constantly scrutinizing the results of stars that have had “work done.”

5 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Get Liposuction The first thing you should do before deciding on any liposuction procedure is to consult with a board certified doctor. Visiting any doctor, even a caring and experienced one, can be a daunting process; however, it is very important to get all of the information

If you’re considering a little liposuction to create a more shapely silhouette, chances are you’ve also wondered if—once you’ve got the right contours—the fat will come back…   Teri L. Hernandez, MD, Robert H. Eckel, MD, and colleagues from the University of Colorado, decided to answer the question by examining (a) whether fat came back