The Treatment of Multiple Angiolipomas By Liposuction Surgery

Dermatologic Surgery


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1994 Abstract

Kaneko T, Tokushige H, Kimura N, Moriya S, Toda K.


The treatment of multiple angiolipomas by liposuction surgery.
J Dermatol Surg Oncol. 1994 Oct;20(10):690-2.

Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan.

BACKGROUND. Recently, liposuction surgery has been widely accepted for body
contouring or other noncosmetic applications, including lipoma and
angiolipomatosis. OBJECTIVE. We treated a case of multiple angiolipomas at 49
years of age to confirm the utility of liposuction. METHODS. Liposuction under
general anesthesia was performed for angiolipomas distributed over the trunk.
RESULTS. The patient has been followed for 2 years without recurrence.
CONCLUSION. We believe that liposuction is a safe and easy method of removing
multiple angiolipomas.

Publication Types:
Case Reports
