Traditional Liposuction Cannulas May Be Dangerous

Dermatologic Surgery

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1988 Abstract

Weber PJ, Wulc AE, Jaworsky C, Dzubow LM.


Warning: traditional liposuction cannulas may be dangerous to your patient's
J Dermatol Surg Oncol. 1988 Oct;14(10):1136-8.

Department of Dermatology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,

Liposuction is the most frequently performed invasive cosmetic procedure in the
United States. The vast majority of liposuctions are performed using mechanical
aspirators that are connected by sterile tubing to a cannula. Although
liposuction cannula shaft designs have been modified and "perfected" to various
extents, little attention has been paid to the handle and handle/shaft junction.
Herein we present an inherent design-induced difficulty of traditional
liposuction cannulas, the inability to be optimally cleaned. In addition, we
present a solution.
