Lazy After Liposuction? Not Recommended
Liposuction is simple. You have some fat removed and voilà, you’re good. It’s just that easy, right?
Sure, a regular exercise program after liposuction treatment seems like a no-brainer, but the fact that it’s being talked about means that there are many of us who don’t completely understand fat and how it functions in the body. For example, did you know that there are two different types of fat, subcutaneous (under the skin) fat and visceral (organ) fat? According to Fabiana Braga Benatti, PhD, and team in Sao Paulo, Brazil, once you remove subcutaneous fat, visceral fat will compensate for the loss. And it’s the visceral fat that you need to be worried about because it’s associated with heart disease.
Dr. Benatti decided he wanted to see if exercise makes a difference in the development of visceral fat. His study included 36 women who had liposuction, and were then divided into two groups. One exercised, the other didn’t. After six months, those who did not exercise gained 10% visceral fat while eating fewer calories than their exercising counterparts.
The take-home message? If you get liposuction, you need to commit to an overall change in lifestyle. Exercise regularly and you get to keep your slim physique as well as your overall health!