Much of the debate in stem cell world has been centered on the moral and ethical implications when doctors use human embryos as a source.
However, what seems to be missing in these debates is the potential that adult human stem cells have in promoting the body’s natural healing process, as well as the ability that stem cells have to repair the body on a daily basis. In fact, some of these cells can be harvested and are showing great promise for differentiating into certain other cell types that can help repair various organ systems in our body.
But before going any further, it’s important to understand what stem cells are and how they are useful. First of all, stem cells come from two main sources: embryonic stem cells and adult tissue.
As the name implies, embryonic stem cells come from embryos formed in the womb during the blastocyst phase of development. The other type of stem cells comes from adult tissue. Stem cells offer many advantages. Not only are the capable of multiplying and growing, but they can also transform into new cell types.
Scientific studies show that stem cells have the ability to change the tissue in the human body. They also have the ability to regenerate the structures of organs that have faltered in our system.
Most of us don’t realize that the fountain of youth is already within each and every one of us, just waiting to be untapped through stem cell therapy. When you think about it, what could be better than using your own cells in order to repair and rejuvenate our own body?
In essence, stem cell therapy has been around for quite some time. For years, doctors have been using stem cell therapy in bone marrow transplants to treat leukemia (a form of blood cancer).
Recent research has also focused on using adipose tissue wherein fat cells can be removed from a specific portion body using a simple liposuction procedure.
The collected fat cells are then spun in a machine. During this process, stem cells are separated from the fat cells. The stem cells can then be injected into the target area—all of which is done under local anesthesia in the privacy and comfort of an office setting.
Some additional conditions that can be also be treated through stem cell therapy include: arthritis, muscle and ligament injuries, soft tissue, and spine/nerve/tissue regeneration.
To date results in patients with arthritis have been also very promising when these people are treated with stem cells.
Patients with arthritis suffer from inflammation of the joints, as well as a loss of cartilage. In these particular cases, the cosmetic surgeon can inject stems cells into the joints, and these cells have actually had the capacity to re-grow the patient’s cartilage in those treated areas.
With the advent stem cell therapy, joint replacement surgery may soon become a thing of the past. There is very little downside to the procedure, and all precautions are taken to minimize the risk of infection.
Overall, the benefits of stem cell therapy are tremendous—not only can stem cells restore your mobility and active life style without invasive surgery, it’s also a helpful way to get rid of unwanted fat, giving you the healthy and happy lifestyle you deserve.