Abdominal Liposuction Facts

The abdominal area is the most common area that is treated through liposuction, for both women and men. There are many factors that can affect the success of lipo including the location and amount of fat, history of pregnancies, history of weight gain or loss, and age and gender.

The location of the fat is important when predicting how successful a liposuction technique will be. Fat in the abdomen occurs at two levels — superficial and deep. Superficial fat can be removed through liposuction because it resides below the skin. Intestinal or deep fat cannot be removed due to its placement in the abdominal cavity. Only diet and exercise can eliminate those fat deposits.

Prior obesity with weight loss can produce more fibrous fat deposits, making liposuction difficult.

Pregnancy can stretch the abdominal muscles, causing the lower stomach area to bulge. This curvature will determine the shape or flatness of the silhouette after liposuction. Additionally, a C-section or hysterectomy scar can create a bulge, which can be repaired easily via liposuction.

Age does not really play an important role in liposuction technique. However, females have softer, less fibrous fat than men, making liposuction easier to perform.

Successful Liposuction Results

Interestingly, the success of a liposuction procedure is determined by how happy a patient is with the results. This satisfaction depends on certain factors, which can include:

  • Patient expectations
  • Preoperative cosmetic deficiencies
  • The doctor’s technique skill and technique.

Results are never truly predictable; however, a skilled doctor can help a patient gain realistic expectations

During newer liposuction procedures, patients do not have to undergo general anesthesia, reducing the overall risks. Because the patient remains awake, the patient can move to ensure that the surgeon can ensure balance and uniformity.

After the procedure, there will be very little downtime due to the minimally invasive nature of newer liposuction procedures. Patients will generally not require anything stronger than over-the-counter pain relievers for any associated minor discomfort. Patients will also wear compression garments for a few days that will help with the contouring effect. These compression garments can also help tighten and firm the skin in the treatment area.

There are few restrictions on physical activities after a liposuction procedure. In fact, patients are encouraged to walk around after their procedures.

If you are interested in gaining a smoother profile, contact a reputable cosmetic physician to discuss the process and how it can help you achieve the results you want.