Get a Sleeker Body During Your Lunch Break

Imagine undergoing a body contouring liposuction procedure during your lunch break! With the Vaser Lipo technique, you can do just that. This affordable and effective procedure lets patients walk in and walk out of a clinic within an hour.

Whether you want to lose fat and inches in the usual areas such as the waist, thighs or buttocks, or sculpt your neck, chest or arms, Vaser liposuction can provide your desired results.

The Vaser Liposuction Procedure

Traditional liposuction requires mechanical removal of fat through a slow procedure that can require a long recovery time. However, Vaser lipo uses an ultrasonic probe inserted into fat areas that has been injected with tumescent anesthesia. The probe then generates focused ultrasonic frequencies to create tiny bubbles, which will shake the fat cells loose, making it much easier to remove the fat cells. This technique will not affect much of the surrounding tissues, veins or nerves resulting in a shorter recovery time.

The Vaser lipo targets specific areas, and also allows for the removal of more fat from difficult areas including the back, chest, and flanks. Additionally, this procedure can treat delicate areas such as the neck and arms. This technique also provides smoother, more predictable results, unlike traditional liposuction that often results in uneven or lumpy areas.

The Vaser procedure is precise and gentle with patients reporting dramatic contouring results with faster recovery times.

Benefits of Vaser Liposuction

There are many benefits to the Vaser liposuction technique including:

• Natural-looking definition and curves, even in those difficult areas such as the thighs and back
• Easy remove of large amounts of fat
• Precision sculpting of delicate areas such as the chest
• Minimally invasive, quick procedure done under local anesthesia, allowing for quicker recovery
• Smoother results due to less surgical trauma
• Can be done in combination with other techniques such as laser liposuction for even more dramatic results

The entire procedure takes between 30 to 45 minutes to complete each treatment area. Patients are also able to return to their normal routines and activities immediately.

When you are ready to lose those inches and need to get back to your normal routine quickly, consult with a liposuction expert about all of the benefits of the exciting Vaser liposuction technique.