Modification Of Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue By A Methylxanthine Formulation

Dermatologic Surgery

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1999 Abstract

9906-455 Lesser


Lesser T, Ritvo E, Moy LS.
Modification of subcutaneous adipose tissue by a methylxanthine formulation: a double-blind controlled study. Dermatol Surg. 1999 Jun;25(6):455-62. PMID: 10469092

Comment in:
Dermatol Surg. 1999 Oct;25(10):827.
Dermatol Surg. 1999 Sep;25(9):736.


Excessive subcutaneous adipose tissue is typically treated by physically removing the fat through liposuction, but cost and accessibility have popularized alternative treatments for reducing adipose tissue thickness.


The purpose of this study was to test the absolute and relative effectiveness of a liposome-encapsulated caffeine-based cream in modifying subcutaneous adipose tissue.


Forty-one patients consented and completed the double-blind, single-center, placebo-controlled study. Caliper measurements, tape measurements, and photographs were taken over a 2-month period.


Both concentrations of the cream were found to significantly reduce the thickness of the adipose tissue in all areas of the body. In addition, the more concentrated cream was significantly more effective than the less concentrated cream in the areas of the hips and the triceps.


The caffeine-based liposome-encapsulated cream significantly reduced the thickness of the subcutaneous fat over a 2-month period.

Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Randomized Controlled Trial
