Modified Tumescent Liposuction
Dermatologic Surgery
1999 Abstract
9910-755 Fulton
Fulton JE, Rahimi AD, Helton P.
Modified tumescent liposuction. Dermatol Surg. 1999 Oct;25(10):755-66. PMID: 10594576
Fulton Skin Institute, Newport Beach, California, USA.
Tumescent liposuction has been found to be safe and effective. However, there are still many refinements that may be possible, such as varying the size and tips of the cannulas, varying the types of infiltrate and associated anesthesia, and the method of compression.
To examine possible variables in tumescent liposuction techniques such as the most efficient liposuction cannulas, to determine an effective tumescent fluid, and to examine the extent of compression provided by different garments.
Patient markings, tumescent fluid formulas, methods of infiltration, types of cannulas, skin incisions, and compression garments were compared between the pure tumescent technique and modified tumescent liposuction.
The most efficient cannulas were those with three staggered ports, such as the Mercedes, Cobra-keel, Giorgio Fischer, and Accelerator II tips. When these are combined with modified tumescent fluids and sedation, it is possible to perform total body liposuction in a safe and efficient manner. Multiple ports and compression garments are beneficial to reduce bruising and focal areas of inflammation.
The tumescent liposuction technique will continue to be improved. So far, with more efficient cannulas and more efficient tumescent fluids, combined with sedation, it has been possible to increase the yield and decrease the required time for the technique. We call this modified tumescent liposuction.