Flexible Mechanism and Method of Liposuction

Dermatologic Surgery


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1988 Abstract

Weber PJ, Dzubow LM.


A new, more flexible mechanism and method of liposuction.
J Dermatol Surg Oncol. 1988 Jul;14(7):715-7.

Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

We present a new system for liposuction, formed from a blend of presently
existing and simple parts. It is free of the mechanical breakdown problems and
is not nearly as tiring as the recently developed “syringe-cannula-only” system.
The system has other benefits that will be described. We will also discuss the
full use of this simple instrument so that it may be mastered immediately by the
reader. Because it is a major improvement over the “syringe-cannula-only”
method, we expect this system to see vast clinical utility in the future. Now
every physician who is appropriately trained can perform an efficient
liposuction without expensive machinery, exhaustion, or fear of a mechanical
