Determining Safe Limits for Untransfused, Outpatient Liposuction
Dermatologic Surgery
1988 Abstract
Chrisman BB, Coleman WP 3rd.
Determining safe limits for untransfused, outpatient liposuction: personal
experience and review of the literature.
J Dermatol Surg Oncol. 1988 Oct;14(10):1095-102.
John A. Burns School of Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Limiting liposuction volumes to avoid transfusion is sound surgical practice.
Although the plastic surgery literature reports frequent use of transfusions in
liposuction surgery, dermatologists almost never use blood replacement after
liposuction. Techniques which favor less bleeding include sufficient use of
fresh epinephrine, cryoanesthesia, use of smaller cannulas, fluid preloading,
proper preoperative evaluation, serial liposuction, intramuscular steroids, and
rapid application of pressure garments. A review of the literature and personal
experience are detailed.
Publication Types:
Review, Tutorial