Syringe Assisted Liposuction
Dermatologic Surgery
1988 Abstract
Bisaccia E, Scarborough DA, Swensen RD.
Syringe-assisted liposuction: a cosmetic surgeon's office technique.
J Dermatol Surg Oncol. 1988 Sep;14(9):982-9.
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York.
Liposuction surgery is the fastest growing cosmetic surgical procedure in the
United States. Our goal is to present a clinical review of our last 50 patients.
We will present a technique of liposuction void of suction machine that is
easily managed as an office surgical technique. The technique is modified from
that of Dr. Fournier. We will outline the technique, including patient
preoperative evaluation, monitoring, fluid management, postprocedure
complications, photographic results, and, most importantly, patient selection.